2025 Detailed Flyer Coming Soon
Rhubarb Cook Off Contest
2024 Rhubarb Cook Off Celebrity Judges
2025 Rhubarb Cookoff Contest Guidelines Coming Soon
YMCA Rhubarb Run

No Pets at the Fest
Important Announcement for Dog Owners. We’ve had lots of questions asking if dogs are allowed at Rhubarb Fest. ONLY official SERVICE DOGS are allowed in the Rhubarb Fest Event area. The reason we do not allow dogs in the Fest Area is the sidewalks are narrow and very full of people, wheel chairs, strollers etc. We love pets too but for the people and the pet’s safety we ask that you NOT bring your pet to the Aledo Rhubarb Fest. Thanks for your cooperation with this matter.
Fest Parking
Where to park? Aledo is a small town with few parking lots and spaces, so plan on parking on one of our side streets. Please do not block resident’s driveways. Wear a good pair of walking shoes as you may have to walk for several blocks to get to the downtown Fest area. Watch for our complimentary golf cart shuttles that run through the Fest area Friday & Saturday from 9am-4pm. The Golf Cart drivers are happy to take you to and from your vehicle. There is a limited amount of handicapped parking available on the 100 block of South College Avenue. On Saturday ONLY, there will be a free shuttle bus that will run from First Baptist Church 800 NE 6th Ave., Aledo to the heart of the Fest. The shuttle will keep making a loop all day Saturday from 9am-4pm. As with many other things at Rhubarb Fest there is no charge for parking.
2021 Detailed Schedule of Events
Rhubarb Royalty Pageant
The Rhubarb Royalty Pageant is Saturday, June 8th, 2024 at 9am on the Central Park Bandshell Stage and is open to girls & boys ages 3-5. If you have a child who is interested in participating, we will be adding an application to the website soon. We’d also love for you all to join us in Central Park to cheer on these little Rhubarb Royalty participants on Saturday, June 8th at 9am. Pictured in the photo are our 2024 Lil’ Rhubarb Royalty Princess Harlyn and Prince Maddox, along with the 2023 Mercer County Fair Queens. Congrats and thank you to Harlyn and Maddox on a great year representing Aledo’s Rhubarb Fest!
Kids Fun Zone
Kid sized fun awaits our youngest Rhubarb Fest guests! Both Friday & Saturday from 10am-3pm. Kids can enjoy BIG Inflatables, a balloon artist and big bubble creations! On Saturday, kids can create their own unique Rhubarb Derby Car out of a Rhubarb stalk and then race it against their friends. The Rhubarb Derby is sponsored by the local Cub Scouts. You’ll find the Rhubarb Fest Kids Zone, Sponsored by First Baptist Church of Aledo, set up in the grassy area between the Aledo Fire Station and the Central Park Bandshell.
Shop Aledo!
Aledo is home to several unique businesses that offer gifts, home decor, antiques and more. Just Google shopping in Aledo, Illinois and you’ll find a list of businesses you can check out while you’re in town at The Rhubarb Fest. Our historic downtown is currently undergoing a major transformation with millions of dollars being poured into restoring many of the buildings. We encourage you to take a stroll and see what’s happening in downtown Aledo. Maybe it will spark an idea and you’ll want to bring a new business to downtown Aledo!
Rhubarb Bake Sales
One of the greatest and most delicious attractions of the Aledo Rhubarb Fest is the Rhubarb Pie! In fact, we know many of you come just for the pie and drive hundreds of miles to secure a homemade Rhubarb pie! So, just a friendly reminder, especially this year, to avoid Rhubarb Regret we suggest you plan to come to the Rhubarb Festival in the morning as the supply has a hard time keeping up with the demand. Our pies are homemade by local service groups, churches, non profit organizations and a few businesses. The money raised selling these delicious pies by these groups helps fund many great projects and missions throughout Mercer County, so we thank you for your support! The Rhubarb Bake Sales are on Friday and Saturday from 9am-4pm, or until sold out, and you’ll find them all located in Aledo’s Central Park.
Rhubarb Fest Food Vendor & Local Dining
Rhubarb Fest always offers many great food choices! On Friday & Saturday you can grab a bite to eat from the Food Vendors in the Central Park Parking lot and local non profits will be dishing up delicious meals under the Central Park Pavilion. The Aledo United Methodist Church, located just a couple of blocks north of the Fest at 301 N. College Ave., will be hosting an indoor luncheon with a menu of chicken salad, sloppy joes and hot dogs along with a slice of Rhubarb Pie from 11am-1:30pm Friday & Saturday. The wildly popular and wonderfully delicious Fireman’s Pancake Breakfast (with Rhubarb Topping) will happen on Saturday only from 6am-10am at the Aledo Fire Station 211 SE 3rd St. Also happening at the Aledo Fire Station is the long standing Masonic Lodge Fish & Chicken Fry which will be held on Saturday only from 11am-2pm. If you want other food options, we encourage you to venture into the town of Aledo for choices ranging from Mexican to Chinese cuisine, or maybe pizza, a juicy hamburger or Ice cream will hit the spot, simply Google Restaurants in Aledo, IL. You’ll find lots of choices. Whatever your taste buds desire, it’s all here in Aledo and our local restaurants will be happy to see and serve our festival guests.
Covid Safeguard
Aledo Rhubarb Fest Covid Safeguards:
The Aledo Rhubarb Fest Board has made health and safety a high priority. Being COVID safe is a shared responsibility. We want you to enjoy the Rhubarb Festival and stay safe. Please follow CDC guidelines and on-site directions when attending the Rhubarb Festival.
We are working with the Mercer County Health Department as well as the City of Aledo to create a specific plan to safeguard Rhubarb Fest visitors and exhibitors. This is an outdoor festival so the spaciousness of the downtown Aledo area will allow exhibitor booths to be spaced generously, allowing for social distancing plus wearing a mask is highly encouraged for our Fest guests. Rhubarb Fest Vendors/Exhibitors must practice proper masking.
Remember to:
Stay home if you feel sick.
Stay home if you feel sick or have a cough, fever, sore throat, fatigue or shortness of breath. Stay home if you have tested positive or been exposed.
Maintain social distancing.
Keep 6 feet between yourself and other especially when in line.
Sanitize your hands regularly.
Practice good hand hygiene. Wash your hands frequently and use hand sanitizer where provided.
At the Festival:
Hand Sanitizer will be available.
Hand sanitizer stands will be placed throughout the festival grounds.
Masks are strongly encouraged.
Masks are not required; however, wearing masks is strongly encouraged when social distancing is not possible.
Observe all posted signage.
Look for COVID safety signage and follow directions.
Additional COVID safety measures we are taking:
Food Vendors are being provided with guidelines from our local health department per Illinois Dept. of Commerce Restore Illinois Restaurant and outdoor market/festival guidelines.
Additional restrooms, hand wash stations and hand sanitizer stands will be available.
Vendor booths will be spread out.
We will not have bleachers for watching performances. Please feel free to bring a lawn chair or blanket.
Picnic tables will be spread out and fewer will be available. Again, we encourage you to bring a lawn chair.
Tables will be wiped down frequently.
Food vendors must follow the Illinois Food Service Sanitation Code.
Snazzy Lemonade’s Biggest Rhubarb Leaf Contest
Think you have the BIGGEST Rhubarb leaf in the land? Bring it to Aledo Rhubarb Fest Saturday, June 7th between 10am-1pm. Look for Judges Tom & Susie Harlan in the red tent in the Kids Zone behind the Central Park Bandshell. We’ll announce the Winners on the Bandshell Stage around 2pm on Saturday. Open to all ages! SPONSORED BY SNAZZY’S LEMONADE!

Tasting Tent
Visit the Rhubarb Tasting Tent in the Aledo’s Central Park area where you can sample a variety of homemade Rhubarb treats! The Tasting Tent will be open from 10am-1pm Friday and Saturday. The Rhubarb Tasting is free but a donation is appreciated to help with Rhubarb Fest expenses.
Bake Sale Vendors
Need a great fund raising idea for your non profit group? Do we have a great idea for you! Become a bake sale vendor at Rhubarb Fest! Booth spaces are very affordable and the bake sales items, if they include Rhubarb, almost always sell out! Pies are the most popular bake sale item and year after year the bake sale vendors sell out of pies. So, if you can bake a great Rhubarb Pie that will be a HOT commodity! People are looking for all kinds of pie as long as it includes Rhubarb. However, you don’t have to make Rhubarb pies, any other Rhubarb baked good is also acceptable. But understand people who come to the Rhubarb Fest are looking for Rhubarb items so if you make regular sugar cookies or brownies, etc. they will not sell as well as items with Rhubarb in them.
If you want to be a Rhubarb Bake Sale Vendor or you have questions about it call Justina Abbadusky at 563-506-8891 and she will answer your questions and get a Bake Sale vendor form to you.
Rhubarb Pie Eating Contest
Love eating Rhubarb Pie? If so, we invite you to enter Mercer Market‘s Rhubarb Pie Eating Contest on Saturday, June7th, 2025 at Noon in Central Park during Aledo’s Rhubarb Fest! Limited to 10 Contestants. Pre-registration is required at Mercer Market-1600 SE 5th St. Aledo beginning May 1st. 2025. Full Contest Rules will be provided at Registration. SPONSORED BY MERCER MARKET
Vendor Information
Event | Contact | Information |
Pam Ricke |
Call Pam Ricke at 309-236-5794 to check for openings |
CRAFT/ANTIQUE/FLEA MARKET/NON-PROFIT VENDORS **Central Park Market **Market for Crafts/Antiques/Flea Market & non profit organizations
Aledo Main Street 309-582-2751 |
Call Aledo Main Street to check for openings |
Rusty Smet 563-506-0580 |
Call Rusty Smet to check for openings |
Central Park Bandshell Entertainment
Come enjoy the live music on the Aledo Central Park Bandshell Stage During Aledo’s Rhubarb Fest! Provided seating is very limited in Central Park so we suggest you bring your lawn chair or blanket and enjoy the entertainment all day long! Admission to the entertainment at Aledo Rhubarb Fest is FREE! We thank our Entertainment Sponsor The Looser Flake Charitable Foundation.
Is an ATM available?
Yes, an ATM is available on the Festival grounds.